
Welcome to NAABA-MI Committees

Mentorship & Internship Committee

Step into a world of growth and support with the Mentorship and Internship Committee of the National Arab American Bar Association – Michigan Chapter. Inspired by Sir Isaac Newton's wisdom, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants," we're all about empowering minority law students and budding attorneys. Our mission? To create a nurturing environment where connections flourish, and dreams take flight through the relationships we help foster. We're here to boost your professional journey through networking events, seasoned attorney insights, and dedicated bar prep guidance. Through your membership and effort, we hope to grow as a team and offer better opportunities for minority students whose backgrounds and experiences may not be presented or understood within the legal sphere. Join us in building a legacy of support and success, where each step you take paves the way for those who follow.

Events Committee

The Events Committee is tasked with planning, organizing, and executing various events, activities, or gatherings for the primary purpose of offering networking opportunities for the Arab American and legal communities. They ensure events run smoothly, meet their objectives, and create positive experiences for participants.

Social Media Committee​

NAABA-MI's social media committee is responsible for managing and overseeing the organization’s presence on various social media platforms. The primary purpose of the committee is to develop, implement, and monitor NAABA-MI’s social media to promote Arab Americans within the legal community in Michigan. We are responsible for creating content that advocates and amplifies the Arab American professionals within the legal community on all social media platforms. In addition, we promote events, panels, and other social events that offer networking opportunities for Arab American legal professionals.

Philanthropy Committee

NAABA-MI’s philanthropy committee is responsible for championing NAABA-MI’s charitable activities. The committee maintains alignment with the organization's mission, vision, and values by managing and awarding philanthropic funds. Every year, NAABA-MI awards scholarship funds at their gala, presented to three qualified law students who have demonstrated commitment and contribution to the Arab American legal community.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee’s purpose is to raise and collect funds on behalf of NAABA-MI. Since NAABA-MI is a relatively newly formed bar association group, it is imperative for NAABA-MI to have a strong financial backing. The fundraising committee conducts fundraisers, generates sponsors for NAABA-MI’s numerous events, and networks with various organizations, local businesses, and law firms in order to advance NAABA-MI’s goals. By generating revenue and funds for NAABA-MI, the Fundraising Committee will keep NAABA-MI financially sound, which in return will allow NAABA-MI to flourish. The main objectives of the Committee are to: develop new connections by reaching out to different local businesses and law firms; brainstorm between committee members in order to create new fundraising techniques and continue to tap into our established base of sponsors and supporters.

Membership and Outreach

The Membership and Outreach Committee is tasked with conducting outreach to identify and invite members to join NAABA-MI including judges, magistrates, law firms, law schools, and individual members. They collaborate with other committees for the implementation of any outreach initiatives and maintain a record of any and all members. The committee directors also acts as a liaison on behalf of NAABA-MI by attending events of other local affinity Bar associations and establishing relationships for future collaboration.

Join one of NAABA-MI's Committees and be part of the future of this association

Build, create, network and more!